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GPA-Trained Midwives in TV Video

TV Azteca, a Mexican media company, produced the video "The Work of Midwives," which features several midwives that GPA has trained. It highlighted some astonishing information: although there are no official statistics, it's estimated that at least 5,000 midwives in the state of Chiapas care for most of the 600,000 indigenous women in the state. Although Chiapas ranks first in maternal and newborn deaths in the country, this number would surely skyrocket without the intervention of these essential health practitioners. That is why we are focusing on training indigenous midwives to assess risk factors and identify and respond to danger signs in women and newborns before they turn into emergency situations. Most of the deaths are preventable, and it is precisely in prevention where we can make a difference. This year, we trained 350 midwives and health promoters. Our goal is to reach 500 next year and eventually, the 5000 in Chiapas. You can help us get there. A longtime GPA supporter will match any donation you make by 100% through the end of December! Please consider a tax-exempt donation and join us in helping to ensure women and children don't die needlessly for preventable reasons.


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