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GPA Awards Grant for Eco-Stoves

Women in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in Oaxaca will help construct their stoves.

We're excited to announce that we have awarded a Community-Designed Health Grant to Bioreconstruye Mexico, to support their work building eco-stoves for nine women in the Isthmus region of Tehauntepec, Oaxaca. These stoves will help women reduce their exposure to an open flame and carbon monoxide. Respiratory illnesses are one of the main causes of death for children under five who live in a rural environment and have frequent exposure to wood-burning stoves in an enclosed and non-ventilated setting. The women participating in the project have requested the stoves, and will learn how to build them so that they in turn can teach others how to build these stoves. BioReconstruye México is a small collective of women in Chiapas who first came together to help communities rebuild after the earthquake in Mexico in 2017 that devastated a number of areas in six states in Mexico. They use bio-construction and eco-technologies to promote women's health, and empowerment, and the environment.


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